Surrender Drop-off - Rabbit Registration

Your Details

Your Rabbit's Details

Please Call Us After Submitting This Form

It may be easier for us to talk through the details of your rabbits and register them over the phone.

Please continue to submit the rest of this form, which will act as our formal agreement for you to surrender your rabbits to us.

You should then call us on 0141 280 3272 ext. 1002 and ask for David to register your rabbits details.

Rabbit One

Please complete the following details with only your first rabbit in mind. We will ask about any other rabbits shortly.

Vaccination History

We recommend that rabbits are fully vaccinated against Myxomatosis, RHD1 and RHD2. To help us understand what vaccinations they may still require, it is important to realise the options your vet may have given you at their last vaccination.

If vaccinationed, you rabbit may have been given:

  • Myxo-RHD and Filavac (Two Vaccines)
  • Myxo-RHD and Eravac (Two Vaccines)
  • Myxo-RHD Plus (Single Vaccine)

Please check any records you may have and tick each vaccination your rabbit has had in the last 12 months.. We will attempt to contact your vet to confirm these details if you are unable to provide full details or evidence.

Dietary Needs

The Importance of Hay

Rabbits should eat mainly hay (approx. 80-90% of their diet). It is important we understand your rabbit's preferences well so we can fully encourage healthy consumption of hay.

Additional Details

We want to provide your rabbit with the best possible care. Please do provide us with any additional details you feel may be relevant to their stay with us, which may include any additional health or behavioural traits, or your experience so far with bonding attempts.

Rabbit Two

We will now ask about your second rabbit below.

Rabbit Three

Rabbit Four

Surrender Agreement & Declaration

I, the undersigned, hereby transfer all rights and claims to the above-named rabbit(s) over to Beloved Rabbits.

I understand that this means I no longer have any legal claim to the rabbit(s) or the right to determine what may happen to them from this point forward.

I understand that Beloved Rabbits may change the name of the rabbit(s) in order to assist with rehoming and adoption procedures.

I understand that Beloved Rabbits will seek to ensure all rabbits are vaccinated, neutered and microchipped.

The liability for ensuring the health and wellbeing of the named rabbit(s) is now the sole responsibility of Beloved Rabbits who will endeavour to act in the rabbits’ best interests at all times and upon the advice of a qualified veterinarian.
